Blogs > The exciting job of the tech leads at Pismo
20 setembro –

The exciting job of the tech leads at Pismo

Our tech leads and their teams work with cutting-edge technologies to solve challenging problems

Aimée Ramos, Global Employer Brand Manager
7 mins read

Exciting careers make going to work every day something to look forward to. Our tech leads and their teams work with cutting-edge technologies to solve complex problems while building our banking and payments platform. We have talked with three of them: João Laass, José Filipe Lyra, and Pedro Correia.

These three tech leads have been working at Pismo for at least a year. And they all said the same thing about what attracted them to Pismo and what makes their work so thrilling: “It’s all about the challenges”. Let’s see some of the other things that they told us.

Why did you apply for a position at Pismo?

João learned about Pismo by reading a case study on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) website. He says IT professionals usually stay up to date with the list of AWS partners. “But what caught my attention was Amazon’s list of case studies,” he says. “For me, it’s about what Pismo offered as an environment, and also about the magnitude of the challenges.”

Lyra was referred by a Pismo employee and decided to participate in our selection process. The turning point for him was talking to managers and company founders. He says he took a deep dive into their vision of scaling and managing teams and processes. He saw how open the founders were to new ideas. It wasn’t just another organisation with procedures that he would have to follow blindly. He’d be able to bring his inputs, perceptions and experiences into his day to day role.

Pedro, who joined Pismo as a software developer, was pretty excited about the opportunity to work in the financial industry. But the game-changer, for him, was the challenge of scaling the company in a short time, making sure our teams and clients were our priority.

How did you become a tech lead at Pismo?

João joined Pismo as a software developer, just like Pedro, and they both were promoted afterwards to tech leads. They were tasked with sustaining the company’s fast growth and international expansion.

Okay, but let’s be fair: other companies offer the same challenges, right? Yes, but other aspects make Pismo stand out. João says the difference for him was our clarity on getting to where we wanted to go. For him, it was evident what the company was all about and the direction it was heading.

The three tech leads had one more thing in common: they were pretty excited to lead a team and keep their technical knowledge as updated as possible.

What makes Pismo different from other organisations where you’ve worked?

“In one sentence? Sense of commitment,” says João. We all know that we must deliver high-quality products (or, as our core values call: “state of the art technology”) that are reliable and scalable. Financial services are incredibly demanding compared to other industries. As our CTO, Dani Binatti, says: “It’s not a good experience when your video streaming service is off. But can you imagine not being able to process the payment during an important purchase, for instance?” This goes way beyond just delivering a bad experience.

On the other hand, Lyra believes that this position varies a lot from one company to another. The most important aspect of his routine is people management. He needs to ensure that everyone in his team has the necessary information, tools and skills to develop their job. “After all, it’s through them that we get the results. So I have to make sure that they have everything they need in place”.

Pedro says we have to focus on the results. “And they must be big”. How big? He gives an example: the number of transactions our platform processes is growing so fast that it is like adding several zeros at the end. Besides that, we have to offer a platform that works anywhere in the world.

Have your experiences at Pismo matched your expectations?

A simple “yes” would have answered this question. But the three tech leads said that the experience exceeds their expectations. They stressed that it’s always necessary to be well aligned with the manager and the team, especially now that we are a remote-first company and may have members of the same team working from different countries.

Lyra said that, for a brief period, he wasn’t quite sure if he was focusing on the appropriate activities. He alerted us about the importance of communicating well with those (not physically) around. Sending a message or scheduling a meeting doesn’t make us a burden on other people. We must try our best to leave any insecurity behind to ensure that we’re on the same page.

What keeps you at Pismo?

According to Lyra, the autonomy to try new things, implement new processes, and change how things have been done is priceless. It’s also a very open environment. “No two days are the same.” It’s complex. It’s fun. Mostly, it’s well-aligned with what the techs signed up for when they accepted the position. Of course, things change (a lot), but the essence of what they committed to is still the same.

What advice would you give to someone interviewing for a tech lead role at Pismo?

  • Study – a lot
  • Ask questions. Ask anything you want to know
  • Make sure you get to know all about us to see if we are a perfect match

Here are some topics for the aspiring tech lead to dive into, according to the three professionals:

  • Ask about the challenges you might face
  • Make sure you understand our current, and future scenario on scalability and how we deal with changes, no matter how big or small they might be
  • Last but not least, get a complete understanding of our platform. Find out how it’s been helping our clients reimagine banking and payments to positively impact people’s lives

What do you want to share with candidates who are considering applying for a post at Pismo?

Lyra has already mentioned the importance of autonomy. He says that it’s only possible to truly experience an autonomous environment if the organisation provides emotional security, especially in cases of failure. Since one of the most critical aspects of our platform is its reliability, we have to make sure that we conduct as many tests as we can to prevent serious failures. That’s one of the characteristics of the safe environment we provide to our employees.

João and Pedro also mentioned the opportunity to experience a global environment. It will allow you to learn things you may have never heard of before. If you are familiar with the Brazilian financial services ecosystem (technologies, laws, consumer behaviour, etc.), be prepared to learn about other country’s environments.

Join João, Lyra and Pedro and jump into the waves of transformation!

Meet the tech leads

José Filipe Lyra

Portrait of Jose Phillipe Lyra

  • Joined Pismo: Jan/2020
  • Squad: Setup

The Setup Squad is responsible for configuring organisations and programs (the financial products that run on the Pismo platform) and maintaining timeline, SMS, and email systems. “We created the Pismo Console, a web app designed to provide autonomy for our clients to manage their org and programs by themselves.”

Pedro Correia

Portrait of Pedro Correia

  • Joined Pismo: April/ 2019
  • Squad: Assets

The Assets team provides a highly scalable solution for assets management. Our biggest client is B3, the Brazilian Stock Exchange. The amount of assets we process grows every day at breakneck speed. What we value most in the team are collaboration and well-structured solutions.

João Laass

Portrait of Joao Gabriel Casteluber

  • Joined Pismo: Jun/2020
  • Squad: Credit Cycle

The Credit Cycle team develops APIs for managing credit card balance and billing cycles, including calculating charges, making invoice agreements, processing financing, instalment advances, and delinquent account closures.

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