Blogs > My smile after one week at Pismo
20 agosto –

My smile after one week at Pismo

Arsinoé Wilche, technical account manager
2 mins read

The smile in the picture reveals how much I enjoyed my first week at Pismo. I’ve already learned a lot in this company that is revolutionising banking and payment systems.

Feeling the butterflies in my stomach on the first day at a new company usually reminds me of childhood — when, for whatever reason, you have to move neighbourhoods and schools. Then, you have no idea what the new environment will be like, the new routine, and how you will make new friends.

At Pismo, they managed to make me feel at home even before I started working. I received a complete welcome kit, including a financial contribution to improve my home office and a hoodie that was so nice and comfortable to wear that it became my uniform on cold days!

On the first day, I didn’t feel alone because I already knew by name, photo, and assignment all my colleagues that would start with me on the same onboarding day. I also felt at ease with the managers and founders because I was able to talk to them a lot during the recruitment process.

The onboarding week was well planned, with meetings with the Product, Engineering, and Digital Security heads. They gave us basic knowledge about their areas and made us feel at ease to explore the Pismo ecosystem.

It was clear the concern with everyone’s well-being and with the alignment of the company’s vision and mission, even if we are all far from each other. I can count on a mentor from my team to ask any questions I may have, and I have open doors to talk to whoever I want.

With such a warm reception, the new Pismo “school” is clearly not the horror movie scenario I had feared. It has shown that it is open to everyone who wants to contribute to making it better — respecting the diversity and individuality of each one and seeking the best of what each one has to help the company grow.

I expect no less from the numerous weeks of work that lie ahead.

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