Blogs > Cockroach Labs highlights Pismo’s outstanding financial services technology
24 junio –

Cockroach Labs highlights Pismo’s outstanding financial services technology

The software company shows how Pismo uses CockroachDB, their distributed SQL database system, to store data related to asset registration, custody, and management services

Fernanda Testa

Cockroach Labs has spotlighted Pismo as one of five companies that provide scalable and highly available solutions for financial services using its database management system, CockroachDB.

In an article called Five fintech companies refused to sacrifice scale, availability, or consistency, Cassie McAllister, Product Marketing Manager at Cockroach Labs, analyses fintech offerings by companies based in five countries, including Pismo. 

CockroachDB is a cloud-native and distributed SQL database for modern applications. Pismo uses it to store and manage data related to asset registration, custody, and management services. 

Cockroach Labs and Pismo

Pismo adopted CockroachDB to improve the resiliency of its banking and payments platform by distributing its databases across several regions. This distribution had to be done while adhering to data storage regulations that differ from country to country. 

Daniela Binatti, our Co-Founder and CTO, assigned ten engineers to develop a multi-region, active-active version of the Pismo Platform employing CockroachDB as its primary database management system. 

“We process the demand load across several regions worldwide using distributed systems running on top of Kubernetes. We rely on several technologies that allow us to operate a horizontally scalable platform, and CockroachDB strengthens our resilience,” says Daniela. 

CocockroachDB works as a system of record for us. With their help, we can support intense loads of operations – from creating, reading, updating and deleting them – especially when performing asset registrations and daily accruals. 

“When building Pismo, we wanted to leave behind all the artefacts of an industry that still largely operates on decades-old infrastructure. Most banks are working with obsolete solutions. Not us. With CockroachDB, we can build a cloud-native solution that will scale with our success,” Daniela concludes.  

Read the article on Cockroach Labs’ website.

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